We seriously worked hard browsing the internet and collecting every single data on the topic. We tried made the replica out of wood and somehow made a large pothole and covered it with a light blue sheet and tried with water. There were leakages everywhere. We didn't sit back and disappoint our spirit. We sealed every leakage with M Seal and somehow after multiple efforts we succeeded in minimizing the leakage. We even got an air bubble producer from an aquarium shop and connected the system to a low voltage motor; which gave waves and somehow made the replica of a real ocean. It was good; at least the best thing that class eight student's could do. The next milestone was a boat. We needed a boat that could manage its way straight and steady across the waves. We needed a boat made out of steel base so that it could easily get attracted by the magnetic effect of the magnet that we placed in the base of the pothole. We thought of generating the boat with a battery system but that would be too risky cause the force of the battery may impart greater strength on the boat and the boat may neglect the effect of magnetism and hence the motive of the project may get demolished. So we decided to put the boat without any external source of force and left its motion on the impart of waves. We tried a lot of times. Our boat was steering as we planned. It would be on the waves for a while and later sink with the magnetic effect.
On the day of project, the parent's came in and our project worked as we planned. I explained the working and Rakesh delivered demonstrations to the parent's. The judge came by evening. The judge was impressed by the title and he wanted to see the demonstration. Rakesh placed the boat and this time the boat didn't steer itself towards the magnet. It indeed stayed motionless. It was the first time it behaved this way. Rakesh was clueless what to do. I immediately gave a small strike to the boat with my index finger with the hope that the judge won't see that. I got caught; he saw me. He laughed his heart out. We were obvious not to get any prize. Even our teacher's who stood behind the judge laughed a lot. We were seriously embarrassed. The next thing we did was to lift the project in the school bus and bring it back home. We kicked it until it was shattered to pieces. Our Bermuda Triangle just got devastated.
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