Wednesday, May 08, 2019

The Judgemental Indian Neighbour

In India, we don't need CCTV to keep an eye an us. We have our neighbours for that.

It isn't so easy to get that good child certificate from our neighbour. I have figured out that neighbours judge us on three phases from childhood to adulthood. Our school phase is typically judged on our class 10th marks. I have no idea why class 10th marks is so pivotal in our society. In fact, it has no value in real life. People with poor class 10th marks are doing good in life and people with good marks in class 10th are sitting idle. Class 10th marks just helps the kid to get in to one of those top pre-university colleges. In fact,in certain cases class 10th marks are a good excuse to celebrate amongst the elderly without even realizing that they are overrating a child's expectation. The second phase of judgement comes in getting a government job. If you can get it, you are a winner. If not, you haven't been able to prove your worthiness to the society. Even in arranged marriages, the key to get a nod from the girl's parent's lies in it. Our society is not ready to accept people working in MNC's, doing business or self-employed. The third phase of judgement comes when its time to get married. Even today love marriages are a big no from the society. Our society is totally against two independent people deciding themselves if they are ready to live together for the rest of their life. 

When they have judged a person on these three phases of life, they step in to judging the next generation and by that time, the one's who were already judged earlier drops in to judging the next gennerating. Thus, the wheel of judgemental Indian neighbour goes on and on.