Saturday, October 20, 2018

Travel and Learn

How do you define learning? If it is mugging up big books and jolting them down then seriously you are being trained to be a parrot. You are just repeating things that is already felt, discovered or jolted by somebody else without even contributing anything to it. That won't help anybody. Obviously some teacher who is not accustomed to innovation would have given you good grades, but he has obviously killed the little left zeal of innovation in you. 

Learning is gaining knowledge. I believe the best way is to travel and learn. The thrill and adventure teaches you that there is no charm in waiting for the destination, but the worth is in valuing your journey. 

Travelling brings you across new cultures, new people, new places, nature, terrain and food habits. It is said that culture and food habits change every 100 kilometres and what is more fun in travelling across such varied forms of cultures and food habits. 

Travelling also develops your micro-mentality in to a broader prospective. You forget to differentiate across people by the caste, community, religion and wealth. When you stay inside your home you forget to love your neighbours, when you live only amidst your neighbours you forget the other parts of the city, when you live only in your city you forget the other places in your state, when you live only in your state you forget the rest of the country, but when you travel like the whole world is your  home you are not confined to restricted thoughts in your mind. 

Travelling also drives away the inner fear of home-sickness. I have seen a lot of people around who could achieve big but they refrained themselves from doing so because of their inability to give up with their home-sickness.

I was always discouraged by my friends to try trekking because of my weight. I did a lot of things which people of my weight generally refrain themselves fearing adverse consequences. I was never encouraged by anyone to trek up across rocks to a ice filled hill. If ever I tried, nobody was there to motivate me. Last year, when I stood below one such icy hill I was again lacking motivation from within and surrounding. When I saw a few people nearby mocking me because of my weight I gave up the fear and got up to the topmost peak without anybody's help. I did it and I am proud of it. They who tried to mock me, gave up in between. I accomplished another fear of life. I could do that because I travelled to a new place and that led me to discover a different part of me inside me.

Life is such a journey which is not possible to learn it all. In fact, nobody has ever known the whole of it. Travelling just lets you know a different part of it everyday. So I believe in the mantra - Travel and Learn.

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