Saturday, July 20, 2013

Browsing the World - I

When I see the kids of today who belong to rich parent's I get amazed. With video games and expensive toys kids of today seem to be spending their parents money on the gadgets and gizmos. People have almost forgotten the traditional happiness elements of a child that are much different from these shop delighting objects. As soon as I see these new generation kids getting so involved with the inventions of science I go back to those days of my childhood. Childhood mostly is a broken memory and a collective data of events and toys that i get to hear from my near & dear ones. My parents always filled my mat with toys, but as I can analyse it was not possible for such expensive toys for me. Still I was happy. I didn't ask for any electronic gizmo until eleventh when I got my computer. I even didn't ask for a hand video game. Still I was happy. My elements of happiness were to roam around the neighborhood, sweets and Mango Frooti. When I see the kids of today who are born to parent's that belong to the lower class of the society, I see a different scenario. They seem happy playing with the bricks and sand when their mother is busy fetching them to the newly built sky touching apartments. They seem to be friendly with the sun and rain from a very tender age. They seem to have learnt the value of last drop of water in the pipe when the world around them is wasting water everywhere. They seem to have understood well that money can't bring happiness. When I stand on the road on the left I see the kids that still complain just because they missed the latest game DVD and on the right I see kids who seem very happy with a half stomach meal. As I browse the world around this vast difference I spot every time where the world is divided into segments and narrow boundaries built with money seem to divide the happiness among young hearts. I can neither complain the rich parents or blame the poor parents. It's just that the atmosphere today has built new parameter's on these future countrymen that seem to strongly affect their state of mind and if very soon these boundaries are not diminished very soon we would see a world that was least expected to been seen by great men of yesterday.


  1. i so agree. alot of people who have $ are blind to those that go hungry and thirsty to bed each night. ~__~

    1. Thanks for the comment. Keep reading my other blogs too.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
