Saturday, June 16, 2012


We often complain about being in problems but fail to appreciate life when we are in our happy days. Cursing life has become so common in the modern day problem ridden life of today. In modern day life of this century everyone longs for money, money demands hard work, hard work lessens fun, no fun initiates stress, depression accompanies stress and ultimately suicide follows. We forget to thank life the day we have a promotion or we get an increment in the salary but we never fail to curse life the moment we miss our morning bus. Frustrations have become our mate in daily life. We try artificial laughing to release stress which obviously sounds comical. We have forgotten the meaning of fun. At the end we suicide which is a coward's choice. Be it job security, excess hard work, uncontrolled stress, love failure, family tensions or any other issue, suicide has turned up to be a solution in most metros today.

The moment you long to leave the world think about those thousands of beggars and below poverty line people that we hardly care to see when we pass them the roadside. Think about the man with no limb or the man with job or the man who has no spouse. Aren't they alive..?? Aren't they happy..?? We must learn the art to live a life from the people living the life of a beggar. He cry's for a piece of bread just because he doesn't want to throw the most beautiful gift from God, life. The person who doesn't have a limb walks twenty miles a day without any complaint. The person who sings the sad soft song everyday was betrayed by his spouse long back. The person who dances heart fully in every festival has no job since long before. Yet we never see them complaining. They seem happier cause they appreciate life at each stage. When they face the worst moment of their life, they simply think of someone who is in a worst position now. We need to learn a lot from the guys who are happier without any seven figure salary and beautiful four-wheeler. Life's a gift, we must live it to the last. Ask the cost of life to a man who knows when shall his death come, yet he has the urge to live.

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