Sunday, July 08, 2018

The Suicide Note

"Are you happy Dad?", the father read the words in the suicide note after he pulled it out from his son's hanging body.

Nobody expected the hanging body. Neither it was easy for the son nor for his father. The son died a thousand deathas before he actually died and the father couldn't live a minute more after seeing his son die. Self claimed deaths were meant for cowards but  this wasn't true here. He was brave enough to live but braver enough to die. He thought if his death could put an end to a notion then how successful his death would have been. The father was a simple man who followed common social notions and wanted his successors to even inherit it further. The social notions, which were bricked by hatred to separate humanity. Religion frames certain common faiths and beliefs and it was really difficult to convince a middle class father to marry a girl who had some different faiths and beliefs. He could confront fist fights with strangers but not his fathers beliefs. Death wasn't easy but he had no options. All he wished that he be the last one who lost his life for such social notion. At last the father realised but he had already lost his son.

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