Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Behind my faith..

Behind the strings of my broken guitar,
there is a tune unsung,
I will sing it in your ears..

Across the smiles of my young heart,
there is a story revealed,
I'll say you; we'll meet soon..

Behind the spells of truth and false,
there are some commitments,
that I shall soon declare..

Behind the world of right and wrong,
there lie some hidden love,
someday we will soon share..

In midst of trust and faith of life,
there is a bonding of love,
we'll tie it with our hearts..

Beyond the attachments of life and death,
there is a world,
I will meet you soon there..


  1. Very beautiful poem, there are many hidden expressions and emotions inside us and we wait to share it with our loved ones always. Sharing and caring are important part of our life without which we feel lost in this ruthless world.

    1. Thank you Sir.. keep reading and also take a look at my other blogs. I would appreciate your comments and suggestions.
