Thursday, March 28, 2019

Joymoti Konwori - The Unsung Lady

Between the years of 1671 to 1681, the state of Assam, then under the Ahom rulers was under the rule of many incompetent kings who were puppets at the hands of their Nobles and Prime Ministers. The Prime Minister to the Lora Raja or boy king SulikhpaaLaluksala Borpukan had ordered for all the princes of the Ahom dynasty to be mutilated, a period known as the Purge of the Princes of 1679 to 1681. The aim was to keep his puppet king on the throne, and so would his power over the ruling of the state. The soldiers were unable to find Prince Gadapani who had fled to the Naga hills. To find Gadapani’s whereabouts, his wife, Joymoti was arrested and brutally tortured. She was tortured for a period of fourteen days, in ‘Jerenga pathar’ in Sivasagar. She was tied to a thorny plant and inhuman physical afflictions were inflicted on her body. She never got weak and instead faced all tortures although she was pregnant then. Gadapani, on learning about the tortures about his wife, reached Jerenga Pathar incognito. He signalled her to speak out the truth. She didn’t and instead signalled back at him to escape. She wanted her husband to be the king and build an empire which would be free of all socio-economic problems. A mother of two, Lai and Lechai, aged 14 and 12. Later after 14 days of inhuman torture she died.  The tremendous sacrifice of Joymoti for her state brought about a ‘renaissance’ in the history of Assam. Given the title of “Sati” because of her valiant fight, Joymoti remains immortal. The first Assamese film, directed by Jyoti Prasad Agarwal, Joymotiwas a biopic of Joymoti Konwari released in March 1935. Her elder son, Sukhrungphaa, or Lai built the Joysagar tank, the largest of all tanks built by the Ahom Kings and also the largest man-made lake of India, stands on the very place in Sivsagar, where Joymoti was tortured three centuries ago. 
Joymoti died on the 13th day of the Hindu month of Chaitra. 27th March 2019 is celebrated  as Sati Joymoti Divas.
Joymoti is a perfect exemplar of feminism where she devoted her entire life for her dream of an empire which would be free from socio-economic problems. The kind of persecution she faced has no other parallel in the history ever.  

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Munmun's Mom's Way of Parenting

I am sharing a small story from 5th or 6th standard.

There used to  be a young kangaroo named Munmun. Munmun was very attached  to his mother. As days passed by, he chose not to grow up and be a joey forever and stay in his mother's pouch. His mother insisted him to start learning to  leap but he defied everytime. He was fond of his mother's care and that defied him from growing old. One day his mother decided  to teach him a lesson. While Munmun was asleep, his mother left him beneath a tree and was watching him from a distance. As he woke up, he was shocked to be alone. He looked for his mom everywhere but he couldn't find her. He felt thirsty and searched for water. He remembered the way to river where his mom used to carry him in her pouch and he started leaping towards the river. His mom followed him. While he reached the river and was about to drink water, he saw his mother.

Munmun's Mom teaches a lot about how parenting should be done. Every mammal is scientifically concerned about the child. The concern sometimes goes so far that parents even forget to let  their kid grow up. Kid's today are so spoon fed that they have forgotten how to do household chores even. Freedom and responsibilities will both make a kid grow up. Yes, however that needs a strict eye like Munmun's Mom. However the kid shouldn't realize that he is being watched up. This also will let you know how your child behaves in your absence. If he behaves matured, then it is you who is not letting him grow up. If  he is homesick, then you must let him realize the world outside your home. If he does something wrong, then probably he needs some more nurturing or even strict eye.

I grew up in a similar environment and I am thankful to my parents for that. I was never spoon fed. I had to figure out solutions by myself to some of my problems. If that was beyond my scope, then only my parents would interrupt. I was not scolded for studies everyday but was also questioned for my marks which compelled me to make my own study plan. I was not restricted of television. The luxury of parents escorting to the school bus-stop always remained a dream. If ever there was any community event or a Bihu function in the neighbourhood I always returned late night. However, the day my Dad found out I was learning to ride a bike without proper license he warned me about all the consequences and also ensured that I got my license to ride. Even after I started working and earning he found out once that I was riding without a helmet. He reminded me of the benefits of wearing a helmet. I had to do household chores. No excuses were entertained for skipping household chores. My parents had no discrimination of a male child or a female child. They always taught me to live doing my own chores from cooking to cleaning and perhaps that has helped me to stay away from home. 

Parent's in my generation were also involved with their children. However, they also knew the disadvantages of spoon-feeding the child. I have seen today's generation parent's doing their way of parenting. One of the parent keeps waiting outside asking the school bus driver to wait while the other carries the child in lap feeding him tiny bits and bringing to the bus stop. If they haven't taught them punctuality now, they will never be able to see a future gentleman in them later now.

Submitted for Indispire

Thursday, March 07, 2019

Priortizing Life First

You realize how beautiful your life is only when you are inches away from death. Your complaints never end. You are in a race to prove how pathetic your life is and that nobody has a more pathetic life than yours. You never compare our life what is today with what it was previously. Instead you keep comparing your life that you dream to live and that you are living. You might have started your journey on a bus and perhaps have bought up a car now. However, the only regret that you have is why you aren't able to own that SUV which that rich brat friend of yours rides around the city. When you are on your deathbed or have somehow escaped an accident you suddenly realize how far have you come. It is perhaps because from your schedule of office, selfie's and EMI's you hardly have any time for introspection. You just keep rolling in the wheel of desires without even realizing that where you should have stopped.

You realize how beautiful she is, only after you see her with someone else. You somehow fail to remind her how beautiful she looks even today. You forget to appreciate her for all the things she does to keep things calm and composed. She is the same girl for whom you once bought a teddy bear, saved pocket money for a gift and suddenly when you have married her, you have forgotten to make her feel special. She still expects some special moments. If she has decided to be with someone else it is only because someone else has made her feel special. Had you been taking some time out of your busy office schedule for her everyday, nobody would have definitely got a chance. Someone is in only because you have left a void.

You will realize the value of your parents only after they have passed away. You have had some dreams with your parents. It can be going out for a family meal at an expensive restaurant, buying some clothes for your parents or taking them out for a vacation. However you keep delaying with the hope for a perfect occasion or a office leave. You never realize what would the delay cost you. You repent only after you lose your parents. Were you so busy? Really? Did office matter so much? Was the month end sales closing so vital? Don't you repent on how transformed are you today that a presentation holds more importance to you than your parents?

Perhaps we should start with priorities. You might not be working with the same company after two yours but your parents, spouse, children and your health is of utmost importance to you and that will matter to you in the long run of life. You might spend the golden time of life working for someone but when you will be old then won't even bother to give you a 'hello! how are you?' mail. The only people who will be beside you are your near and dear ones. Taking some time out for them is not a bad deal.