Saturday, July 12, 2014

Religion - Sanctity or Insanity

What does the base and existence of any religion define?

I believe benevolence, humanity, peace, love and brotherhood builds the base of any religion.  Religion marks the threshold of eternal serenity in everyone's heart. Religion also marks  the belief that everyone is equal and establishes the  prevalence of concord. No religion ever demands slaughtering or butchering humanity. 

There is actually nothing called religion in a society where people are marked as untouchables and are impeded from entering holy places. There is actually nothing called religion in a society where a thousand Goddesses are worshiped but the girl child is always vulnerable to infanticide, foeticide, dowry deaths. There isn't any religion in this world where the world itself is divided into two worlds of poor and rich. Prevailing differences and consequent clashes between religious group marks the base of wars.

I don't believe it is even necessary to fold hands and fall on our knees in any place which is believed to be holy if we have been practicing to keep the upliftment of the morale of humanity. There is religion in everybody's heart. There is religion in the belief of every child's heart. Religion is something which defines love in our heart.

1 comment:

  1. One who does not discover God in her/his own heart will not discover Him/Her anywhere. Religion is just a drug, a palliative, a delusion.
